Author Archives: karendavis

Last Day – Not to be Missed

A huge thanks to Ellen Thurston (Ellen’s Picks email and and George Tsalikis of Inky Editions

Ellen says: Run! Do not Walk! to see the beautiful exhibition at the Davis Orton Gallery which is closing tomorrow (Sunday). (The exhibition is closing—not the gallery.)

The Gallery, at 114 Warren Street, is open from 12 noon to 6 pm.
There are two solo exhibitions—Smith Eliot, photo-based works and assemblages: Fragments and Little Boxes. (Really remarkable!) Patricia Lay-Dorsey, photographs: Tea for Two – and–A Portfolio Showcase: Tiziana Rozzo and Charlotta Maria Hauksdottir

George says: I agree! One of the best shows I have seen lately; in our area or in NYC.
Collaged negatives and labor intensive techniques; unique objects. Loved
the show.

DavisOrton-SmithEliot-the book of hurt n healingSmithEliot, The Book of Hurt n Healing

Special Closing Reception Saturday, August 27, 5-7pm

By popular demand, Davis Orton Gallery is open until 7pm Saturday, August 27 and serving refreshments starting at 5. Don’t miss the opportunity to see this exhibition coupled with our popular (and predictable) snacks!  The show closes the next day.

Smith Eliot  photo-based works and assemblages

Patricia Lay-Dorsey  photography 

Photography Portfolio Showcase
Tiziana Rozzo and
Charlotta Maria Hauksdottir

July 30 to August 28, 2016

DavisOrton-SmithEliot-the book of hurt n healing

The Book of Hurt n Healing, mixed media assemblage by Smith Eliot

Deadline Approaching July1- Portfolio Showcase – FAMILY

Photographers for whom “Family” is part of your practice. We have a call for portfolios related to Family: A range of realities. Ups & Downs. Savoring it. Dealing with it.
Exhibition dates are July 30 to August 28, 2016. click here for more information.

Current Showcase: Portfolios by David Curtis and My Shapiro

Current Showcase – Street Photography & the Urban Scene: Portfolios by David Curtis and Amy Shapiro

Call for portfolios – Street Photography and

Portfolio Showcase: Street Photography and the Urban Scene – What’s New?
Deadline is May 27. For all info click here.

Pictured: Portfolio Showcase April 9 to May 8, 2016: Plant Life. Left: The Vanishing Blackland Prairie by Angilee Wilkerson. Right: Invasive by Michael O’Shea. Gallery photographs by Karen Bell, cyanotypes by Dana Matthews.

Portfolio Showcase, April 2016

Portfolio Showcase, April. Plant life portfolios by Angilee Wilkerson and Michael O’Shea

Portfolio Showcase, April. portfolios by Angilee Wilkerson and Michael O'Shea

Portfolio Showcase, April. portfolios by Angilee Wilkerson and Michael O’Shea


Thomas Holton featured in Slate

Congratulations to Thomas Holton. A wonderful article in Slate featuring many images from his series and book, The Lams of Ludlow Street which will be available at Davis Orton Gallery this weekend.  We exhibited Holton’s photographs 2015.

Family Portrait, 2005, Thomas Holton

Family Portrait, 2005, Thomas Holton

Shirley and Franklin go to school 2, 2014 by Thomas Holton

Shirley and Franklin go to school 2, 2014 by Thomas Holton

Great Reception for Photobooks Last Night

Thanks to all for making our 6th annual photobook exhibition so memorable.  The books are amazing  and we’re so glad so many of the artists were able to make it including Andi Schreiber, Anna Leigh Clem, Nick Pedersen, Mara Catalan, Gilbert Rios, David Morse, Liza Macrae and Michael Hunold.

If the crowd was too daunting … this exhibition is up through December 20. It’s a not-to-be-missed show of photobooks for your collection or giving as gifts. The 20 exhibited in Hudson, along with 14 additional photobooks will also be shown at the Griffin Museum of Photography in January.

RECEPTION photobook 2015 Davis Orton GalleryRECEPTION photobook 2015 Davis Orton Gallery
RECEPTION photobook 2015 Davis Orton GalleryRECEPTION photobook 2015 Davis Orton Gallery


Constructed Image – Call for Entries

Portfolio Showcase
The Constructed Image

Photo Collage, Photo Montage,
In-Camera/In-Scanner Assemblages

deadline: August 5, 2015

Portfolio Showcase: In each of five shows, the gallery features the portfolios of two photographers selected through a call for work.  The theme  is directly related to the scheduled exhibition. Submit 7 to 12 images. 

Artists Announced for Plural “I” Group Exhibition

Plural I, Group Show, Davis Orton Gallery

Congratulations to the following 16 artists selected for inclusion in THE PLURAL ‘I’, a show that explores diverse visions about queerness through 30 photo-based works & 2  videos. Juried by Nandita Raman and Karen Davis and curated by Nandita Raman. Upcoming: August 1 to 30.

Natalie Kirk, Holly  Lay, Ashlie DaCosta, Linda Troeller, Laurie Blakeslee, Chris Malaga, Preston Gangway, Lucas Andahl, Julian Gray, Gary Beeber, Anna Brody, Phaedra Call, Ellen Feldman, Eva Weiss, Patricia Silva (video), David Lykes Keenan (video)