*See list below for all gallery calls for work
including 13th annual photobook show
Portfolio Showcase 5 ONLINE
Theme: The Hudson Valley
(Open to any topic related to the Hudson Valley)
Deadline: September 18, 2022
ONLINE Show dates: October 8 to November 13, 2022
deadline: OCTOBER 1 for INFO
Portfolio Showcase: In each of six shows, the gallery features the portfolios of two photographers selected through a call for work. The theme of each call is directly related to the scheduled exhibition. Portfolios of up to 12 images are shown in two ways: prints (up to 22″ on longest side) are displayed on a stand; above, an HD monitor presents a continuous slide show of the two portfolios.
- All processes, capture techniques and approaches to image construction are welcomed unless otherwise specified:
camera: film, digital, phone, scanner, b/w, color, collage/montage, alternative processes - Calls for Work are open to all photographers, internationally, over the age of 18.
- If your entry is not selected and is relevant to another, later call for work, it will automatically be included in that call’s jurying.
- The Davis Orton Gallery promotes both gallery exhibitors and portfolio showcase exhibitors through its website, press releases, banner and other forms of marketing.
You may enter any call for work at any time up to deadline

Portfolio Showcase in Gallery (top left: Angie Wilkerson and Michael O’Shea; right: David Curtis and Amy Shapiro, bottom left: Teresa Meier and Carol Erb; right: Jean Schnell and Caudia Ruiz Gustafson
All 2022 Calls for Entries
2022 Calls for Entries | 2022 Deadlines | 2022 Show Dates |
Portfolio Showcase 1: Flowers! Flowers! |
April 12 | May 7 to June 5 |
Portfolio Showcase 2: GIRLS |
extended to: May 17 |
June 11 to July 17 |
Portfolio Showcase 3: Memories and Dreams |
June 26 | July 23 to August 28 |
Portfolio Showcase 4: Photo Montage, Photo Collage |
August 3 |
September 3 to October 2
Portfolio Showcase 5: ONLINE The Hudson Valley any topic related to the Hudson Valley May be portraits, ‘scapes, objects |
September 18 | ONLINE October 8 to November 13 |
For Information re 13th Annual PHOTOBOOK Exhibition click HERE |
October 1 | November 19 to December 18 |
Portfolio Showcase 6: Photographs of Books or Readers runs concurrently with 13th Annual Photobook Show (previous entrants to Books and Readers Group Shows are eligible to submit portfolios that include images from those group shows) Portfolio Showcase will run concurrently with Photobook Exhibition at Dabvis Orton Gallery. |
October 17 |
November 19 to
Portfolio Showcase Submission Guidelines
Entries are submitted online. You may submit for any call anytime as long as it is before the deadline. If your entry falls into more than one theme – if not selected, it will be considered for other themes.
Submission fee for each portfolio is $35 (7 to 12 photographs from a single series/portfolio.)
A single entry is a completed online submission form that includes a minimum of 7 to a maximum of 12 jpg images from a series/portfolio related to the theme.
>>>>> Submit Your Entry Here 2 Steps >>>>>
Notification of Acceptance:
For each Theme, selected artists will be announced on the Davis Orton Gallery website one week after deadline. All entrants will receive notification by email regarding their status.
Requirements for Selected Artists
(Please follow these directions carefully.)
Photographers selected for exhibition agree to provide the following 1 week before exhibition:
• Fine art prints of the same jpg images submitted, no larger than 22 inches on longest side.
Each print must be sent in a clear bag or sleeve. It is recommended (not required) that you add a 2 or 4 ply backboard or no more than 1/8″ foamcore for firmness.
• Artist Resume
• Image List including: title of portfolio, image titles, dates, medium, size, edition, price
• Include pre-payed return label (UPS or USPS preferred) or a check to Davis Orton Gallery for return of your prints
Terms and Conditions
Sale Of Photographs
All photographs selected for exhibition must be for sale while in exhibition. All photographs are sold on consignment. The Gallery keeps 50% of the print sale price. The artist receives 50% of the print sale price. Sale proceeds will be paid to the artist within 30 days of the close of the show. NB: The print price should be the same price that your print is sold for in other exhibition venues.
Questions?? contact Karen
IMAGE REPRESENTATION – The gallery reserves the right to withdraw an offer to exhibit if the jpgs provided by the artist do not accurately represent the prints.
LATE SUBMISSIONS AND LATE PAYMENTS – No submission without payment will be considered. No submission will be considered after the deadline. Payments made after the deadline will be refunded at 80%.
SHIPPING – All shipping and shipping insurance costs for photographs to and from the Gallery are the responsibility of the artist. Complete instructions will be provided upon acceptance into the show.
RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE – The Gallery shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all photographs while in Gallery’s possession. The Gallery shall be strictly liable to the artist for their loss or damage (except for damage resulting from flaws inherent in the photographs), to the value artist would have received from Gallery if the artwork had been sold.
AGREEMENT – By submitting to this show the artist agrees that images of photographs can be used to promote the show including publicity, social media and website promotions. Copyright credit will be given to the artist. Submission of entry constitutes agreement to all conditions in this Call for Entries and Entry Form.
Artist hereby represents and warrants to Gallery that she or he is the creator of the Artwork and is the owner of all rights to the Artwork and their use as granted to Gallery in this Agreement.