Photobook Exhibition Entry Form Step 1 – Submit Information Step 2 – Make Payment (* - required fields) *First name: *Last name: *Street 1 Street 2 *City *State *ZIP/Postal Code *Country *Telephone (include country code if outside US): *Email address: *Artist Bio (not more than 150 words) Entries (up to 3) *Entry 1 *Sales price (US$) Name(s) of other contributors, e.g. editor, designer, binder, etc.(N/A if none): first name last name, role Year of publication: Size (inches): Total number of pages: Total number of images: Binding method, e.g. saddle stitch, perfect, other: Cover (select one): hardsoft Printer: ISBN (if available): Upload image of cover (1220 pixels max any dimension) Entry 2 (optional) Sales price (US$) Name(s) of other contributors, e.g. editor, designer, binder, etc.(N/A if none): first name last name, role Year of publication: Size (inches): Total number of pages: Total number of images: Binding method, e.g. saddle stitch, perfect, other: Cover (select one): hardsoft Printer: [text printer-2 ""examples: blurb, self..."] ISBN (if available): Upload image of cover (1220 pixels max any dimension) Entry 3 (optional) Sales price (US$) Name(s) of other contributors, e.g. editor, designer, binder, etc.(N/A if none): first name last name, role Year of publication: Size (inches): Total number of pages: Total number of images: Binding method, e.g. saddle stitch, perfect, other: Cover (select one): hardsoft Printer: ISBN (if available): Upload image of cover (1220 pixels max any dimension) *Artist Statement(not more than 150 words) Confirm Payment Method (If you pay by check, please include it in the package with your book(s)) *I will pay as follows: PayPalCheck Return Shipment Details *Check one: I will provide postage stampsI will provide a UPS shipping labelBill me for UPS shipping How did you hear about Photobook 2019? *Select as many as appropriate Davis Orton Gallery websiteDavis Orton Gallery email newsletterDavis Orton Gallery Facebook pageLenscratchSociety for Photographic Educationartdeadline.comartdeadlineslist.comFlak Photo BooksFlak Photo NetworkNew Landscape PhotographyPhotography Atelier AlumsOTHER Submit Complete Your Payment