Iman, 23, Bio-medical Engineer for a Healthcare tech company: “I’m originally from Nigeria but moved to the United States 5 years ago for my formal education. I initially got accepted for Biochemistry at Temple University and then I applied to transfer to Drexel because I got a scholarship. After my third year, I had done some “soul searching” and realized pursuing medicine will not provide me with the options, lifestyle or fulfillment that I would be seeking. I decided to pursue Bio-medical Engineering instead because I believed it would be more challenging and it was! My dad being a doctor himself knew how stressful that lifestyle was and was okay with my decision to switch as long as I knew what I wanted to do with engineering. He thought hopefully I would pursue a Ph.D.! And I’m not surprised! I grew up with expectations of excellence in academia, where you couldn’t come home with a ‘B’. When all my friends bought iPods, I wanted to get one too, [but] my father insisted I read 3 books first, underling all the words I didn’t understand, then write it out and go a dictionary and write out the meanings. So, at an early age I was taught to value of education and work ethic. When it came to making independent decisions of whether we wanted to play or work, work always took priority.”