Dana Matthews – Caladium Wysteria Pods, cyanotype

Dana Matthews -Carrion Cactus, cyanotype

Dana Matthews -Early Spring, cyanotype

Dana Matthews -Night Shower, cyanotype

Dana Matthews -February, cyanotype

Dana Matthews -Helioconias, cyanotype

Dana Matthews -Hudson Catskills, cyanotype

Dana Matthews -Hudson River, cyanotype

Dana Matthews -Sea and Sky, cyanotype

Dana Matthews, Sea Fan, cyanotype

Dana Matthews, Starfish Sea Fan, cyanotype

Almond, cyanotype by Dana Matthews

Baby Tatsoi of NY State, cyanotype by Dana Matthews

Cyan, cyanotype by Dana Matthews

Davidia Involuctrata, cyanotype by Dana Matthews

Maiden Hair Cloud Forest, cyanotype by Dana Matthews

Monkey, cyanotype by Dana Matthews

Orchid Stars, cyanotype by Dana Matthews

Sea, cyanotype by Dana Matthews

Turbulent Sea, cyanotype by Dana Matthews

Untitled 178, cyanotype by Dana Matthews

Weed on Degraw, cyanotype by Dana Matthews